Special Security Management – Operations | SSM – OPS

Global Security Crisis Risk and Disaster Management

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How can you make your employees and business activities more secure? Security trainings, background checks, investigations and observations, concepts for information protection against industrial espionage, and support in abduction or ransom scenarios are all available through SSM – OPS.

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Individual life situations necessitate unique solutions. Our Private Security Solutions, which are tailored to the individual or family’s level of threat, provide the best balance of security and personal privacy.

Consulting Services

Our services include Security Abroad, Security Training, Product Extortion and Recall, Forensic Services & International Investigations, Kidnap & Ransom, Information Protection, and many others.


Our professionals have substantial background expertise with security-related issues gained from national and international operations and working with authorities such as the police and military. They bring together intercultural competency and high-level expertise.

Crisis Management, Project Security & Travel Safety

We find opportunities where others perceive risks, and we seize them for your business. Our comprehensive security principles ensure that your personnel and company activities are kept safe. To reduce the risk, we assist multinational companies with all preventive measures and crisis management.

Comprehensive Personal Protection

Individual life situations necessitate unique solutions. Our Private Security Solutions, which are tailored to the individual or family’s level of threat, provide the best balance of security and personal privacy.

Investigations, Observations & Information Protection

We are professionals in gathering sensitive information about criminal behaviors and employing novel intervention approaches to provide personalized preventative strategies. Special investigation software aids investigative methods by clearly identifying complex relationships.

Travel Security Trainings

Travel security training is an excellent approach to ensure that your workers are prepared to reduce hazards anywhere in the world. Employees in crisis zones receive particular training on security dangers and security-conscious behavior. In the event of an emergency, we provide prompt and expert assistance.

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We are pleased to answer your enquiries and to provide individual security solutions.